Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Here we are again at Day1 of the Pepsi Challenge to bring a "day program" for the disabled to my Norton Community. Your votes me the world to me, so please take the time and vote and text everyday so I can bring this program home.
Read my story and how much it will benefit my community and I know you will offer your support. Vote or text everyday!
This program will open up opportunities for other communities also.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
We have been accepted by Pepsi again to collect enough votes for the $250,000 Grant to open a Norton Community Program for “High functioning” disabled adults.
The voting does not being until December 1, 2010 so we have time to implement a new plan and one of them is to tell everyone you know to start on December 01, 2010 to begin voting for us EVERDAY BY INTERNET and TEXT.
We can do it this time because we have plenty of time to set up the voting. I am so excited, God is answering my prayers. This is a dream for everyone to benefit from.
I hope everyone will work with me to get all the voting resources lined up by December 01, 2010, we will only have 15 days to complete the vote so we have to collect thousands of people to make sure we take the number 1 or 2 spot for this size grant. We will thrive through this new resource.
Norton will benefit so much from this program. It will bring members from other communities into our community and open up jobs for Norton, along with revenue from the stores that are linked to this project.
Watch the video on at:
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I am trying to bring a "day program for high functioning disabled adults," to my town Norton, MA you can help by voting ONCE EVERYDAY by BOTH METHODS internet and text until I win on August 31, 2010.
Here is the location of my challenge: PEPSI All pertinent data is there.
Here is a copy of the Sun Chronicle article about the Selectmen's Meeting.Here is a video of the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The power of intention is one of the most powerful tools one possesses. If you are not living up to your own expectations of yourself then look around you, find out what is making you unhappy and change how you think about it. If you have a passion or a dream, implement it, and believe that you will find your purpose; and you will realize your dream.
This is by far a hidden secret, but most do not believe that how you think about things is how they will actually come about, and that includes the negative things in your life. Make your life worthy by accomplishing your goals and moving toward your dreams with the never ending purpose necessary to accomplish your goal. If your life is not working for you then work for your life by believing in what most think is the impossible. Nothing ios impossible and when you change your thoughts you change your life.
I realize that the simplicity of this information is hard to believe but believe me when I tell you...nothing is impossible and the sooner one realizes this the further they are to accomplish their milestones.
All I can say is go for it and believe it hasd already happened by living in the present and you will begin to see your future.
If what I am saying here is unbelievable, then research the greats that have lived it and been successf at it.
Napoleon Hill, Zig Zigler, Tony Roberts, Wayne Dyer, the members of the cast of the movie "The Secret," all suggest that this is the way to accomplish your goals. My thought on the matter is :Failure is just another door to success." Make the most of it by moving into the future as if has already happened and watch the results. It is mind boggling but so truly amazing.
Monday, May 10, 2010

I happened to be reading a Debbie Macomber book the other day and the name of their knitting class was "Knit to Quit." Everyone in the class was learning to knit to help them quit a bad habit or change their life.
Guilt sits in the hearts of so many, but finding yourself deep in something you are passionate about will separate you from pain, suffering, and anxiety. It doesn't matter what you feel guilty about; focusing on something that makes you happy can always help to separate yourself from from the issue, long enough to ask for forgiveness, offer forgiveness, or be forgiven. It's like sitting outside of yourself, seeing your life like a sitcom. When you focus on something with enough passion it is a natural way to separate and relax. It doesn't matter what it is you are passionate about, as long as it involves activity that makes you happier than anything else at the moment.
I am taking a quilting class and I know now that this works, as I have felt it and resolved it by facing it headlong after allowing myself the time to focus on my quilting.
Find a passion, activate it...and see how it helps. Don't just take my word for it...try it.
Saturday, May 8, 2010

I took up painting by watching Donna Dewberry on PBS late one night. I began to create hand painted crafts, many of which I was able to sell. I began making a new angel every year around Christmas, and I wrote a cookbook with my family which we now sell on and donate the proceeds to Cancer, Heart and Autism research. I returned to college to complete my degree (at age 60) by taking my classes online. The greatest resource I found was in "quilting." I began by researching online and finding patterns, learning rotary cutting, and attempting to make wonderful quilts. I wasn't very good at it, but I loved doing it. On a whim one day after leaving my counselor's office I found a little Quilt Shop right near her office. Unable to just pass by, I went in. I entered on the side where they were having quilting classes and moved my way over to the material section. I inquired about classes and they told me a new beginner's class was starting the next week. Without hesitation I signed up.
The first day of the class I got there 30 minutes early and sat in my car, feeling anxious but almost giddy that I had gotten myself there; and with sewing machine and materials in hand I was going to "learn" to quilt the right way and end my frustration. Although the class was three hours long, I managed to get through the first one and was shocked at how smoothly it went, but even more by how I was feeling. I managed in those three hours to separate myself from my anxiety, and like a fly on the wall, I saw myself relaxed and happy, and the time flew by quickly. I felt healing when I left the class. I am so content to see what I accomplished, and am embarrassed to say, I love the praise I get from my friends when they see how much I have improved.
Having always believed that success comes from focused attention on one's strongest desire, and the continued effort in the direction of one's intention; I was reminded of an experience I had many years before and had to abandon, to take care of my mother when she was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer. "When you believe in your purpose and keep faith while always going in the direction of the intention without wondering where the resources to accomplish the task will come from, the resources come to you.
I have created my own "day program" called "our Gratitude,"and have applied to the Pepsi Challenge for the funding, but I know that even if I don't get accepted, the resources will show themselves as long as I keep going in the direction of my ultimate desire.
Watching the movie, "The Secret," was what reminded me of what I already knew, and it also renewed my continuous gratitude for all that I already have. Living a life of purpose is all that is expected of us, and with faith in your intention you will see the results in your own life.
I hope everyone will look for my project next month at PEPSI CHALLENGENGE
and vote for me to fund my "day program" for high functioning disabled adults, designed to lower the number of people on disability and increase jobs and income to the state.
Weekend Wrap-Up: Tween Throw and Pillow Set
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Saturday, April 3, 2010
It is so great to see so many buying "Traveling Recipes" the cookbook I wrote with my family. I just had to add 245 more copies to the page. I am getting ready to send the first checks to the charities. I have finished emailing the book to all the photographers for their approval and their response is heart warming. Their photos are amazing and we could never thank them enough for their contribution to the success of this project.
When we wrote this book it began as a WAY FOR US TO GRIEF PRODUCTIVELY, IF ANYONE CAN ACTUALLY DO THAT...Well, the success of this project shows that it does work. Our grief is in the book as the tribute to the two family members that died that same week in 2007. It was a devastating blow to the family, but I am so grateful to have finished this project for them.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
More About Handquilting
Image by dannie4852 via Flickr
When ?I want inspiration I go the my newsletter from Penny Halgren. She always, and I don't know how, comes up with something new everyday. Today she had included a video on "How to Tie a Quilter's knot." Great stuff. You can read about it and see the video if you click the link above, and if you haven't signed up for her newsletter, do it now, she has a wealth of information every single day. She is a master quilter.
The book in the photo is available for sale along with many other that you can find on my photostream. If you see something you like just email me at and I will give you the details on how to purchase it.
Happy Quilting!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Image by dannie4852 via Flickr
I just got an email from a Quilt shop that looks great. You can check it our here: You can also Fab Shop Hop there.
If you are interested in buying the book above just email me at and I'll give you the details. I have many quilt, needlepoint and tatting books from the 70;s and 80s for sale.