The power of intention is one of the most powerful tools one possesses. If you are not living up to your own expectations of yourself then look around you, find out what is making you unhappy and change how you think about it. If you have a passion or a dream, implement it, and believe that you will find your purpose; and you will realize your dream.
This is by far a hidden secret, but most do not believe that how you think about things is how they will actually come about, and that includes the negative things in your life. Make your life worthy by accomplishing your goals and moving toward your dreams with the never ending purpose necessary to accomplish your goal. If your life is not working for you then work for your life by believing in what most think is the impossible. Nothing ios impossible and when you change your thoughts you change your life.
I realize that the simplicity of this information is hard to believe but believe me when I tell you...nothing is impossible and the sooner one realizes this the further they are to accomplish their milestones.
All I can say is go for it and believe it hasd already happened by living in the present and you will begin to see your future.
If what I am saying here is unbelievable, then research the greats that have lived it and been successf at it.
Napoleon Hill, Zig Zigler, Tony Roberts, Wayne Dyer, the members of the cast of the movie "The Secret," all suggest that this is the way to accomplish your goals. My thought on the matter is :Failure is just another door to success." Make the most of it by moving into the future as if has already happened and watch the results. It is mind boggling but so truly amazing.