Sunday, January 11, 2009


This morning, sitting here watching the snow fall, when I should be getting ready to go to dinner with the kids for my daughter's Birthday, (phew)I started creating a Squidoo page and ran across this amazing craft. It's like Origami but it is called Tea Bag Folding I am looking to see if I can make an Angel using either of these crafts. I have been sitting here for what is now hours, after canceling dinner with the kids, (weather is really bad)trying to make this origami rose called Kawasaki Rose, and I still have not mastered it yet. The video is great but I think you have to look at it as though you were looking into a mirror, because most of my folds seem to be going the wrong way, but it's fun to do and I will master the art this year, but for now I think I'll take a break and settle for a little painting.
I am trying Donna Dewberry's new method. It's called High Def and the effect is wonderful, it's like painting in 3 dimension. I am trying to master a Lighthouse Landscape, which is one of my Christmas commitments. I made a commitment to my son to paint a lighthouse for him on canvas. I gave him a lighthouse ornament for Christmas and he reminds me that he sees it sitting there each day on the shelf waiting for the painting. Nothing like a putting a little pressure on myself. Well time to get the paints out. Here is the Kawasaki video for you to watch...let me know if you master it.

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