October 20, 2009
| http://www.thequiltshow.com | Volume 3, No.42 |
World Quilt Competition-Part 1 
The World Quilt Competition is always an inspirational exhibit to behold.
Take a tour with TQS of some of the World Quilts at the Pacific International Quilt Festival in Santa Clara, California, USA. Click on the picture to go the blog to start. Come back Wednesday for Part II. |
"Don't Throw Away Your Strings" 
Quilting can change a person's life. Quilting can also help change people. On Craft in America PBS explores how quilting brings people together.
Where Are Ricky & Alex?
There is no rest for the weary after Houston. Ricky and Alex are on the hunt for shows that you will not only enjoy, but will increase your quilting skills. You're in for a treat with these shows. There is a clue about one guest in the picture above. |
What Is This?
TQS Editor, Lilo Bowman, found this object in Houston. It is lousy for flipping pancakes, but pretty good for ..... 
The answer will be in the Weekend Fun newsletter. |

Puzzle Quilts & Kaleidoscope Quilts by Paula Nadelstern
By now you have been amazed by Paula Nadelstern's dynamic complex quilts. Paula shows you how to pick the fabrics and takes the mystery out of the blocks. Click here to visit the Shoppe and get started. Amaze your friends with one of these eye-popping quilts. |
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