For the third time in 2010 we did not collect enough votes to stay in the running. I will probably run again in March when they start accepting new Grantees. I am collecting resources now to get to the top in April. I will be asking many craft, and quilting sites to offer me their support. I will begin collecting them on my Face book page for the "challenge." It is a difficult challenge to win because it is based "totally" on people voting for me. I never give up, so I'll be in the fight again come March or April. So look for us and go to my page on Facebook to offer your commitment to vote for me. Please share with friends and family because this challenge is not about me it is about the disabled. Visit OUR GRATITUDE regularly to check for updates and our new start date.
I hope all that read this will go to the page join and lend "helping others with no expectation of return," is how life is meant to be lived. I hope to serve the disabled in my community and many others with this program. Please join in and lend me your support by beginning to collect bloggers, friends, and families to vote for us during our next challenge.