and Tellman Knudson
Hi AnnMarie,
It's urgent that you read this message
closely and carefully because we're only
going to do this one time so you need
to join us live in just a few minutes.
Yes - it's important enough for you to
change your schedule, lock up the dog,
get a babysitter for the kids, get
big notepad, grab a good pen and get
on the phone with us.
We had a planning session yesterday (Sunday)
to set up the advanced training for our
List Building 411 members.
And what we decided to reveal makes
raking in cash so simple that we
decided to share it with you even
though you're NOT paying us $497
like the 411 members are.
when you hear about these deceptively
powerful systems from us - TODAY! Monday,
you'll be giddy. Seriously.
You've never had it so easy.
Just follow these steps and rake in
cash on demand whenever you want.
But you must be there live because
the recording will only be available
the List Building 411 Members. (Hey...
we have to draw the line somewhere
since they're paying us and you're
Today (monday) at 12 noon EST, 9am Pacific...
We're going to give you 3 of our top
strategies to bring in cash on demand.
Push a button. Get cash.
Cash System 1 - "It Pays To Be Nice"
Shawn does this once or twice a
month. Brings in at least $20k
each time. Takes about 2 hours
to set up. Only costs a couple
hundred bucks to get what you
need. (FYI - Don't even need
your own product for this.)
Cash System 2 - "Do Unto Others"
One of Tellman's favorites.
The only catch is it takes
3 or 4 days before you get
paid. But it sure beats waiting
to get a paycheck.
Cash System 3 - "Taking Candy From The Baby"
It's not quite as rude as it
sounds although some people
(your competitors) will *hate*
Join us at 12noon Eastern (9am pacific)
and we'll give you the step-by-step
details on each powerful
system so you can use
these yourself.
Because we just decided to do
this - and we don't have
time for us to get together
this week before we both
leave town, the only time
we can do this is...
Monday (TODAY!) - Noon Eastern
(9 a.m. Pacific)
Call this number - 1-512-879-2174
Use this code - 859512 #
Again - we will be recording
this only for our List Building
411 Members so if you want to
get these 3 strategies for
collecting cash on demand,
you have to be there live.
We'll talk to you in a few minutes!
Shawn Casey
Tellman Knudson

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