Thursday, March 12, 2009

AnnMarie, this is weird - I need your address...


I have really enjoyed and learned
a lot from my...membership with the
Listbuilding Club.

I have actually started my blog,
although, I am still not fully
functional. I have begun developing
my first products and putting together
my first campaign.

Your monthly listathons have been a real
blessing as well. So, I am truly {glad}
to to have to say...

Thanks so much as I work to overcome
absolutely everything. :)

-Michael Metz



This is a little weird...

Ususally I don't need people's
shipping addresses but something
unusual and frankly... fantastic
just happened...

My Friend, Matt Bacak is giving away
500 copies of his Brand new CD called
"Traffic Explosion System." and I would
like to send one to you.

Let me explain...

He's currently looking for REAL PEOPLE who
have internet businesses - who'd like to become
his next Internet "success story" and use his
Multi-Million dollar advantage to...

...easily create an internet empire that
will allow you to create money on demand!

As you'll see, there are absolutely No
commitments, no hassels involved in getting
his brand new CD for FREE.

In fact, He's even sweetening the pot
more for you - you will receive five
(5) POWER bonuses worth a total of $557.

This information is PRICELESS.

His ONLY condition is that, you take care
of the shipping and handling unless - you
want to come by his office and pick it
up yourself :-)

 If this sounds reasonable, you can claim
your copy at:

==> http://www.ListBuildingClub.com/weird


'Overcome Everything!'

 -- Tellman

P.S. I must warn you...

I'd hurry because - just today
423 people already grabbed a copy
for themselves leaving only 77.

To guarantee YOUR CD is shipped to
you immediately -- before he runs out
of copies and take this page down --

I recommend visiting:

==> http://www.ListBuildingClub.com/weird

before it's too late.


Have you been to DearTellman.com Lately?


(Go Now... Make Haste :-)


what's this? <==

==> http://www.ListBuildingClub.com/weird


Hope you enjoy it!

==> http://www.ListBuildingClub.com/weird

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