"Tellman- I thought My First List 1 was the "Gold" standard
for list building but this actually takes it to a new level!
I'm personally recommended the course to all of my coaching
clients and mastermind team members...Awesome!"
– Walt Laurel
Hi, AnnMarie,
Three of the richest and most successful people I know of
in this business will let you copy their success selling
a $29.99 per month membership and you keep all the money.
They will even brand it with your own name, and put it
online FOR you. Nothing for you to do.
Plus, you get every marketing tool they used when they signed
up the first 5,016 members.
In just 11 weeks.
If you're counting that's $150,229 per month.
This one will be yours though. No affiliate program, no splits.
You keep it all, it's yours.
No Royalties!
Want to hear how they do it?
Shawn and I are holding a private, one time only
teleseminar on Thursday, March 12th, 2009 at 11:00am EST,
(10:00am CST, 9:00am MT, 8:00am PST) during which he will spill his
guts about how he and his partners Jeff Paul and Jim Fleck have
made a fortune with memberships.
And how you can, too.
You'll discover their incredible inside secrets of how to run
unbelievably successful membership programs.
We won't talk about small unprofitable ones, or ones with so
little money coming in you hate to work on them.
And, it doesn't matter if you have any clue about memberships.
You'll discover their pathway to auto-pilot income.
This teleseminar will fill up. After all, who doesn't want money
coming in whether you sell anything or not this month or next.
Go on vacation, the money still comes in.
Get in on it before it's too late or you forget.
You will only have one chance to hear this amazing session so
you need to register now at:
==> http://www.ListBuildingClub.com/register
We will be revealing things like:
- How you can clone one of Jeff, Jim and Shawn's most profitable
membership programs for yourself and begin marketing it
immediately. How to clone the whole membership program, how to
run the whole thing, and get an instant flood of customers to
buy. Even if you don't have a single customer now.
- The stunning way to get everything accomplished for your
membership program without lifting one finger yourself.
- The secret of how they got five thousand members to join a
program inside of eleven weeks starting from scratch!
- Why what you've read or heard about other people's memberships
pricing strategies are mostly bogus and what the truth really
- The one resource that can teach you how to sell memberships,
more memberships than you could imagine, that no one wants
to talk about!
- The world series of membership programs is not only getting
people into your membership program paying you month after
month, but then the secrets of how to get them to buy even
more other things to explode your profits.
- The best kind of membership programs and the worst kind of
memberships programs, there is a difference! (Don't make the
same mistakes we did. Get clued in on how to avoid picking the
wrong membership program).
- How to get people to sign up through automatic registration
methods for these high priced programs.
You must ACT NOW and get registered at:
==> http://www.ListBuildingClub.com/register
To Your Outstanding Success!
-- Shawn & Tellman

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Overcome Everything Inc.
139 Main Street, Suite 606 E
Brattleboro, Vermont 05301
Copyright 2008 Overcome Everything, Inc.
Overcome Everything Inc. about Listbuilding
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